网址:http://www2.henau.edu.cn/gj/Index.asp 河南农业大学国际教育学院是学校进一步面向世界、对外开放,加强对外合作交流,实施中外合作办学项目,招收培养出国留学生和外国来华留学生而成立的直属教学单位。学院旨在充分利用国际优质教育资源,引进国外先进的教育思想、教育理念、课程体系、教学方法和教学管理经验,引进国外原版教材及部分外籍教师,并结合我校在教学、科研、管理方面的经验,充分发挥我校教育教学资源优势,采用中外结合、优势互补且与国际高等教育接轨的教育模式组织教学,以提高学生的综合素质和培养学生的创新能力。其基本目标是力求与国际教育接轨,培养“外语精、专业通、能力强”的国际化、复合型人才,即培养熟练运用外语、掌握专业技能、具有较强实践能力,并能适应国际社会发展和国家建设需要的高级专门人才。 国际教育学院下设院党政(教学)办公室、院团委与学生工作办公室、留学生办公室和对外汉语言培训中心等机构。现已开设2个本科专业、10个专科专业,均经国家教育部批准。分别为与加拿大凯波布兰顿大学合作开办的国际经济与贸易和工商管理等本科专业,于2004年开始招生;与澳大利亚新英格兰大学合作开办的商务英语、酒店管理、金融管理与实务、会计学、生物技术及应用和计算机应用技术等专科专业,于2009年开始招生。已招生各专业(项目)均实行衔接式教育,成绩合格者可按照《中外合作办学协议》选择转入国外大学学习,完成学业后获外方大学毕业文凭。也可以选择在国内完成学业,毕业后颁发河南农业大学毕业文凭。 目前,学院现有在校国内学生1227人,外国留学生 36人 . About IEC The International Education College of Henan Agricultural University is a brand-new international college with the students from all over the world, which was established in order to follow the WTO direction for China in reforming and developing of higher education and high demands for qualified person in the new century. College is keeping utilizing the popular international education resources, introducing of foreign advanced thinking on education, teaching contents, teaching methods and management experience in education on the basis of cooperation and mutual complementarity, combined and collaborated with international universities and educational institutions. Everything we did and we are doing is for the purpose of cultivating the students who will be professional in foreign languages, major knowledge and practical capability with the abilities of adapting to the international development and social needs. Under IEC, there are four subordinate departments: General Office, CYL Committee, International Student Office and Chinese Language Training Center. IEC now has two undergraduate programs and six junior undergraduate courses which had been authorized by Ministry of National Education. The undergraduate programs include International economics and trade and Business Administration which have collaborated internationally on educational programs with Cape Breton University, Canada, started to recruit students in 2004. The junior undergraduate courses include Business English, Hospitality, Financial Management and Practice, Accounting, Biological Technology and Application and Computer Application Technology which have cooperated with New England University, Australia, started to recruit students in 2009. After enrollment, the students studied in IEC with qualified achievement can choose to study in relevant overseas Universities, and finally graduate from there according to Chinese-foreign Cooperative Education Agreement. Or they can choose to spend their four-year’s study in HAU. IEC currently has nearly 1227 domestic students enrolled on its campus and 36 international students.